01 Oct

In a podcast episode from Fall of 2023, we delved into the touching story of Ashley Hewitt, a passionate barrel racer whose journey intertwines faith, resilience, and remarkable achievement. Ashley’s narrative serves not only as an inspiration to aspiring athletes but also as a testament to the transformative power of faith in everyday life.

The Awakening of Faith
Ashley’s journey began during a pivotal move to Kirkhoven, where everything seemed to align perfectly. As she recalls, “I wasn’t really deep in my faith, but I knew that God had done something.” The move became a catalyst for a profound change within her—a calling that led her to immerse herself in her church community.
For Ashley, deepening her faith involved a hunger to know Christ more intimately. No longer content with just sitting in church and taking in the message, she began to study the Scripture at home, exploring Bible studies, and embedding God’s word into her life. "I started listening to Christian radio, and I really wanted to fill myself with God’s joy," she explained. 
This awakening didn’t mean her path was paved with ease. Ashley candidly discusses the challenges she faced, emphasizing that a deeper relationship with Christ doesn’t equate to an absence of trials. “The enemy wants to keep you right where you were,” she says, recognizing the struggles that accompany a faithful journey. Yet, she insists the joy and purpose found in this faith make it all worthwhile.

The Rollercoaster of Barrel Racing
Transitioning from her spiritual life, Ashley shared her exhilarating journey in barrel racing, particularly her season with her horse, Sun Frost. Starting with a few initial challenges, Ashley describes how her efforts paid off. “Sun Frost was a handful at first,” she said, but through patience and determination, she transformed their relationship from one of struggle to one filled with triumph.
This past season was monumental for Ashley. She set clear goals and engaged fully in competitions, finding success and recognition that reflected her hard work. “I ended up in the 1D average, which I had never done before!” she exclaimed. However, as with any journey, the higher the climb, the steeper the falls. 
In the midst of her surging success, tragedy struck. Sun Frost suffered an injury, causing Ashley to pause and reflect on her priorities. With a gentle yet firm nudge from God, she realized the need to re-evaluate her relationship with barrel racing and the potential idol it became in her life. “I ended up repenting and saying, ‘Forgive me, Lord, for putting something higher than you,’” she shared, illustrating a key moment of transformation.

Triumph Through Trials
The blessing that followed her moment of humility was a new opportunity: “Colin's sister reached out and said, ‘Hey, do you want to ride my horse?’” Ashley embraced the chance to ride a different horse, which seemed like a daunting task given her previous bond with Sun Frost. Yet, she stepped out in faith and participated in competitions with her newfound companion, and to her surprise, the joy returned. 
“I came out with just a big old smile,” she recalled, reflecting on her initial runs on the new horse. “I was just blessed to be here.” This revelation brought her back to the essence of what she loved about the sport. When she finally reached the finals, nervous yet armed with affirmations from Scripture, she felt a wave of peace—her newfound approach shifted her focus firmly back to her Creator.
When Ashley’s first run ended, her husband Colin approached her with a surprising revelation: “You just won!” Overcome with emotion, she realized how her journey was more about God’s grace than her own endeavors.

A Message of Encouragement for All
Ashley’s story resonates with those who may feel overwhelmed or doubt their abilities. She urges others to recognize God’s presence and promises in their pursuits. “If you would have told me years ago that I would win… I would have laughed at you,” she says. “God has a perfect plan for each of us, and when we focus on Him and what He can do, everything changes.”
Her insights extend beyond the arena and into everyday life. By battling self-doubt and embracing faith, Ashley demonstrates that anyone can find their purpose—even in the most challenging circumstances. “It’s not based on us; it’s based on Him,” she reminds us.
In closing, Ashley’s journey reaffirms that with faith, resilience, and a commitment to seeking joy in our endeavors, we can cultivate a fulfilling life, no matter the obstacles in our way. Let her story inspire you to chase your passions, embrace challenges, and above all, trust in God’s perfect plan for your life.

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