05 Jan

There was an old cowboy I knew who made the rounds at many a roping pen.  

Always with a smile on his face, and a word of praise. 

Unsure of his name, I called him Lucky.   

He found joy and gave praise no matter what happened that day. 

This day, they had brought in a pen full of fast-running calves. 

My draw was 34— a high headed streaker, bursts out like a rocket and is gone.  

Feeling frustrated, kicking up the dirt, I walked back to my trailer. "Hey, son, it's a beautiful day!" Lucky called out. I glanced up and replied, "I guess if you say so, sir. But it is not my draw today." 

a knowing smile, he replied, "it is not all based on the draw," as he strolled past. 

I thought, "Easy for him to say; I've drawn one of the worst calf in the pen." 

Frustrated and mad in the blistering sun, I waited my turn, knowing my chances were none. 

My name gets called, sit back in the box, nod my head, and like a streak he was gone. 


Uncinching my horse when I heard his name called, there was Lucky draw 22.

I chuckle inside. He's not goanna be real lucky today. 22 was a worst draw them mine.

I see him walk in with a smile on his face; He backs on in box, in a nod he was gone, and with a 1-2-3- roped, flanked and tied. 

You could hear the whooping and hollering mile away. 

Lucky just won the rope'n today.

 I finished my business, loading my horse, come around the pickup and who do I see, it Lucky with a smile on his face.  

"Hey son, how did it go for you today?" 

I told him, no luck for me, it just was not draw or my day.  

With a grin and a smile as he gave me a nod. 

He said it's "not in the draw that makes the day." 

Hey sir, "what do you mean by what you say?"

 His eyes were soft as he looked my way 

"You know, son in life you're not always gonna draw the calf you want, things aren't always gonna to go as you had planned. 

I learned a long time ago to lay my plans upon the Lord. 

You see son, I rode the highs, and I rode to low's. 

I did things my way. 

When I hit a bump or a curve, I'd cuss and swear and say it's not my day.

But you know what I've learned, the bumps and the curves that what made me who I am today.

 It's not these things that determine my way, but how I respond each and every day". 

"Too often, we let our happiness depend on our circumstances. 

I realize that true peace isn't found in the world—it's found in Him. 

You see, The Lord our Father lives within me. He is my guide and my and leads me each day. 

My confidence is not based on what I see but on the Faith that he is with me each day. 

He comforts and guide and I would have it no other way. 

I asked, "How did you come to know all of this?" 

He reached into his rope bag and handed me a well-worn book.

"I just read His word and follow His way. 

He told me to keep it. It would guide my way.

I thanked them for his time. Smile, handshake we departed ways.

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